Evolution Of The Positive Hairstylist

I started my hair instagram in 2016, without much content, but a whole lot of drive to show off my new career. I was fresh out of beauty school and even though I knew that my work was amateur,  I set a plan on how to start thriving.

With the knowledge that I had a lot of growing to do, I took the leap and posted every hair picture I had anyway. It felt vulnerable and silly, but I did it anyways because I knew I had to begin somewhere.

My partner, who is a Therapist & Entrepreneur, told me this, “Look at it this way, your only goal besides learning right now is just to remind people you do hair.” 

And, that really resonated with me. “Just remind people,” I thought. 

As I began my assistant training program at my first salon, I was still working my restaurant job at night time. Because I was so busy, and I didn’t have much content to post, I kept rotating old hair photos from school, and threw in whatever else I could think of…like quotes, pictures of me, product shots, whatever. 

Carlie Roe, San Diego Hairstylist

I was not exactly producing amazing hair pictures like the stylists I followed on Instagram, but I knew with enough persistence I would be there some day. I just knew I had to begin somewhere. I also knew that all of those hair celebs that I envied had to have started somewhere, too. So, I did the best I could with what I had at the time. I continued with the thought of, “Who cares, just post something… and, “Remind them you do hair!”  That was my only focus in the beginning as far as social media went. 

— Rewind even farther back to beauty school right before I began my hair instagram — 

When I was in beauty school I was also working at night. After theory class at school, I had an externship at the salon I now work at. Then, after school and my externship, I went to my restaurant job at night. Like I said earlier, I was extremely packed busy with 17+ hour work days and doubles that threw me into tears of exhaustion. 

Although I was overwhelmed, I stayed in a space of gratitude… Grateful that I was able to go to school. Grateful I was able to work and make money. Grateful my schedules allowed me to do both. And, grateful I got accepted to extern at my dream salon. 

My mom always said to me when I was younger, “Look on the bright side…” Then she would continue her sentence of proving the positive outlook of a not-so-positive situation, whatever that was. And so, sometimes her little, “Look on the bright side,” talks were what got me by.

It was those talks from her and my partner that kept me hanging by a thread. I finally understood why all of my friends at work used to complain about the school/ work doubles. I was now one of them. Don’t get me wrong, this is what I wanted and signed up for… it was the path I had to take to get to the goal I always wished to accomplish. So, I kept pushing forward.

Besides the “bright side” reminders from mom and daily pep talks from my babe, there is something else that I did that really kept me going… an idea that helped develop the idea of “The Positive Hairstylist”.

Basically, EVERY morning while drinking my coffee, I would search on Pinterest for motivational quotes. There was something magical about reading those inspiring messages and it gave me a boost! 

Okay, maybe it was the coffee, too. ;)

I started posting positive quotes to my stories every morning on Instagram, and eventually a few to my page. 

I ended up getting so many messages from followers that were saying how they looked forward to my morning posts! They said things like, “I really needed that today,” and, “Wow, this makes me feel not so alone!”

Carlie Roe, San Diego Hairstylist

I thought, “Wow, I guess I’m not the only one who needs to hear this stuff!”

So, I kept posting them.

Not only did it give my friends and followers the motivation and positivity, but it gave me motivation, too. It also gave me some much needed content ;)

WIN, WIN, right?

Starting somewhere (anywhere) was the key. 

Was it beautiful hair pictures I so badly wanted to create? Not yet. Did it serve a purpose in my journey? Hell YES

One of my favorite quotes ever that I found is from Ms. Oprah Winfrey… 

“Do what you have to do, 

until you can do what you want to do.” 

This was as true for me then as it is now, and I think it can be applied to so many situations.

So, there I was… working little by little, just reminding people what I did and working my butt off in the meantime. Aside from using Instagram, I put myself out there as much as I could. I made a point to use my second job to my advantage. I even handed out my salon cards to my restaurant guests. Heck, even my acquaintances who worked at my local  grocery store. I put myself way out of my comfort zone. 

Even if those quotes weren’t ideally what I wanted to be posting, I knew that at least it was representing my vision for my brand correctly, and it kept my eyes on the prize. 

What prize you ask? Well… For me, I guess the “prize” was that I was looking at the long haul. The long haul was a stable career where I was constantly learning and making a difference in people’s lives through my artistry. Overall, I was working on building a portfolio and gaining attention of new potential clients. And sure as hell practicing my “delayed gratification”.

These were my only goals at the time:

Show my work - Attract kind people - Focus on my education - Gain clientele. 

By the time I was almost done with my assistant program, and I was slowly being moved onto the “floor” as a stylist… guess what? 

I had gained several clients from Instagram! 

And though I’m still growing, and still building… it all began with posting those little quotes. And, those quotes really helped attract the type of people I want(ed) in my chair. Kind, grateful, compassionate clients who felt like family.

Carlie Roe, San Diego Hairstylist

If you take the time to create a small list and PHYSICALLY write it down, it supposedly sets your intention more clearly than just thinking them.

You don’t even have to be a hairdresser to use the context of this blog to your advantage.

I’m going to repeat my girl Oprah again… and, really try to let it resonate with you. Especially if you are beginning at something, be it anything.

Let’s shout it again with Oprah…

“YOU GET A CAR, YOU GET A CAR…” No, no… wrong one guys.


There ya go, that’s the one.

Success, clear branding, and clientele  (or whatever you are working towards) doesn’t happen overnight. And, boy have I learned that… because I’m still waiting for it to all come together! But, that’s okay! Because, I am constantly TRYING.   

If I can offer anything to you (& to myself), it’s this… 


It all really begins to fall together once you work hard and keep a clear vision of what you want. Thank you to my therapist partner for teaching me about manifestation and intention setting. It will be a forever practice for me.

It may take years, months, or weeks… but if we all keep going, I truly believe the universe will help a sista (or brother, or human) out. 

So, whatever you’re working on… 

  • Create a CLEAR vision of what your goals are.

  • Then, work really, really, f$^&ing hard at it.

  • Don’t stop moving forward, even if it’s in baby steps.

I am still working on my brand, my vision is ever evolving, and I’m constantly learning. If I wasn’t pushed to grow everyday, wouldn’t it be a little boring?

So, this my friends, is how “The Positive Hairstylist” evolved and will be a constant work in progress. First the quotes, then just a silly hashtag, now a blog and email community… what’s next?! Time will only tell.

I hope this got your wheels turning and pondering about what extra steps you can take that may get you closer to your goals.

 Thank you for following along on this step of my journey, as I hope to share little bits of inspiration in the midst of my newest hobby of blogging.

Whatever is happening in your life, Remember to look on the bright side!

Outfit + Images: Jayden P boutique @JaydenPBoutique Website: www.JaydenP.com

Photos: Lauren Turori @LaurenTurori , Styling: Anastasia Renee @_AnastasiaRenee