Why lemon water should be your new bestie

So my family has been drinking lemon water for forever and my mom is a huge fan of it, too. I’ve always liked it and knew it had a lot of detox benefits, but never knew just HOW many it really had until recently.

I’ve battled with severe adult hormonal acne the past 3 years, so on and off I have used this as a tool to detox my skin. I’m not sure that I did it regularly enough to really tell any benefits. This is also probably because my skin was far too gone enough for just a little lemon water to fix it.

So, fast forward to now… it’s a cozy rainy day. We are in self isolation from the COVID-19 outbreak. We’re inside and I have really been craving lemon water. My cousin, @blondeandwell is a major health enthusiast and amazing cook. She recently told me that she used warm lemon water in the mornings to cut caffeine out of her routine. Now, I’m planning to do this very soon… however I am not quite ready to make the full detox from caffeine. Maybe one more week. (said like a true caffeine addict, lol.) While I may not be using it as a replacement yet, I have been using it as comfort. My skin has been exceptionally broken out [probably] due to stress and so this hot lemon water thing has been such a soothing addition in my life.

This blog is going to be short and sweet because I won’t bother boring you with more lemon water stories.

Let’s cut straight to the benefits, shall we?

Okay, here’s what I already knew:

  • Lemon water is extremely high in Vitamin C.

    Extra: While lemons don’t top the list of citrus fruits high in vitamin C, they’re still a good source. According to the US dept. of agriculture, the juice of one lemon provides about 18.6 milligrams of vitamin C.

  • Lemons promote weight loss. (But, I didn’t know why, until I researched recently.)

    Here’s why:  Apparently the antioxidant compounds also offset the negative effects on blood glucose levels and improved insulin resistance, the two main factors in the development of type 2 diabetes.

  • Lemons help your skin. I knew that lemons and lemon water help flush toxins out of your system, in turn helping your skin stay clear. (That’s my very own, non official definition, lol.)

    But, also: Studies say, vitamin C found in lemons may help reduce skin wrinkling, dry skin from aging, and damage from the sun.

Here’s what I didn’t know about lemon water:

  • Aids in digestion

  • Freshens breath (makes sense, though.)

  • Helps prevent kidney stones

  • Help prevent anemia

  • Calms your central nervous system

  • Helps with arthritis and other inflammatory issues

  • Improves circulation

  • Aids in sleep

There are seriously so many more benefits all over the internet about lemons and lemon water and I can’t believe I didn't know some of these. You can of course do your own research and find even more benefits that may pertain to your personal needs. I am obsessed over learning about more natural & holistic ways to enhance my life, be it as little as a cup of warm lemon water.

One more tip I should mention, and you may already know this- but lemon can really damage the enamel on your teeth. So, I know while I enjoy drinking it warm lately, I should be careful while sipping. @blondeandwell also recommends using a reusable straw while enjoying to avoid the acidic mix going strait on your teeth. She even does this with warm water.

Here’s how I have been sipping:

Cut half of an organic lemon & squeeze into warm alkaline water, add a pink of pink himalayan salt.


PS: I only add the salt pinch one out of two cups. I personally feel like I already have enough damn sodium in my diet that I don’t need to add more. However, they say that the little bit of pink salt does add mineral nutritional value. I also started adding a pinch of salt because I read that it can help the nasal passages somehow, and since I have major allergies lately I figured I’d give it a shot.

I hate getting seeds in my water, so I have a little squeezer that sifts those out for me. I’ll link that here. There are far more fancy ones, but this one does the trick for me personally without spending too much.

Click here to read the EWG’s shoppers guide to pesticides in produce, and learn about the 2020 list of foods on the “dirty dozen & clean 15”.

Now, in no way shape or form am I a medical doctor, so as always, do your own research and consult your physician with any major dietary changes. (Not that lemon water would be a huge dietary change, but, ya know. Just saying.)

Other ways I change up my lemon water:

  • Add some mint (I muddle or tear it to release the full aroma and benefits from mint) Mint+Lemon water is seriously so refreshing and I love it iced or hot! It’s like full mock-tail vibes.

  • For a full detox potion try this: Lemon, mint leaves, cayenne, pinch of agave, black pepper and turmeric… shake it up in a mason jar or anything with a lid.

  • Another one of my favs: Water, lemon, strawberry & cucumber. I like to let the mixture set for a few hours so it fully soaks all the flavors. You can use a pitcher if you want a larger quantity.

  • Water, lemon, agave (or honey) & ginger is a real immune booster too! I like to shave the ginger into small pieces and infuse the water for at least 30 minutes.

You can really get crafty with infused waters, I have so much fun trying new things.

** Side note: Many articles say that for full absorption of lemon, your water should be warm or room temp. But, I still make cold concoctions like the ones above because, well, they taste good.

I hope this inspired you to make your own little cup of sunshine. Feel free to share any other recipes and infusions you try! I would love to hear from you. Since these potions are such great aids in immunity boosters, I figured now is the perfect time that we all can be playing with healthy drinks.

As always, Stay healthy babes!


Photos taken by @painted.harmony for @jaydenpboutique

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